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Ways you can take action with us

Make a donation

Your donation can help us fund our initiatives and make a difference in the lives of those we serve. Check out our donation page to make a contribution.

Attend our events

We regularly host events to raise awareness about our causes and engage with the community. Check out our events section to see what's coming up.


We believe that collective action is powerful, and petitions are a great way to amplify our voices. Check out the petitions we support on our Instagram profile.

see what's happening

Event schedule

A collaborative effort between Barrie Families Unite, Barrie Housing and R & R Program Facilitators. Research has shown that when young people feel a sense of belonging to a community, school or group, they are less likely to get involved in gang-related or violent activities. The aim of this joint campaign is to strengthen the feeling of community and belonging for young people and their caregivers.

The freedom is a must foundation believes that it is imperative for us to invest in the youth we serve first. They are our future after all. We believe that education through knowledge of all forms is the key to ensuring that the next generations have a fair chance at success.

The Freedom Is A Must Foundation presents Talent from Behind the Wallz, an online exhibit of art submitted by incarcerated individuals. The exhibit was created to provide incarcerated individuals with an outlet to express themselves through art, poetry, spoken word and short stories.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Morbi sed ridiculus cras eu id eu magna. Sit mi arcu netus ut porttitor pellentesque amet purus hendrerit.

Join our community

Small actions can lead to big changes

By joining our community, you become part of a movement dedicated to creating positive change. Sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about our initiatives and events. Follow us on social media to join the conversation and spread the word. Together, we can create a fair and just society for all.

Join our community of changemakers and be the change you want to see in your community. Together, we can make a positive impact on the world and create a fair and just society for all.

our history

Together, we can make a difference

At Freedom Is a Must Foundation, we believe that everyone deserves a fair and just society, where all individuals have the opportunity to thrive.

Our mission is to create positive change and empower individuals and communities through advocacy, education, and action. Since our founding, we have been committed to promoting social justice, preventing crime, combating climate change, empowering youth, fundraising, providing statistical data and reducing poverty.

We are a diverse group of individuals who share a common passion for making the world a better place, and we invite you to join us.

OUR initiatives
Supported causes
We believe that all of these issues are interconnected and that addressing them requires a holistic approach. By supporting one of our causes, you can make a meaningful impact on the world around you.
Crime prevention
Your donation can fund educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy efforts that make a real impact. Together, we can make our neighborhoods and homes safer for everyone.
Climate change
Your donation can support our efforts to raise awareness, promote sustainable practices, and advocate for policy changes. Join us in creating a more sustainable future for all.
Tackling Poverty
By donating to our poverty reduction initiatives, you can help us fund educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy efforts that create a more just and equitable society.
By donating to our statistics initiatives, you can help us better understand complex issues like crime, poverty, and climate change.
Youth empowerment
By donating to our youth empowerment initiatives, you can help us provide young people with the tools and resources they need to succeed.
Every donation helps us fund our initiatives and create positive change in the areas of crime prevention, climate change, youth empowerment, statistics, and poverty reduction.
Legal representation
We have compiled a list of highly skilled lawyers who are hungry for justice and the righteous cause.
By offering the 30-Day Pen-Packs, we aim to foster a sense of connection, support, and dignity for both prisoners and their families.
Mental Health
Together, we can break the stigma surrounding mental health and ensure that everyone has access to the care they need.
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