Taking Action Against Poverty

Empowering Lives

Empowering Individuals, Eradicating Poverty

Find below multiple ways you can meaningfully help those struggling with poverty. If you have other resources you would like to see on our contacts list below, please send us an email to info@freedomisamustfoundation.org

Institutions Fighting Poverty

Here, you will find a comprehensive list of organizations actively working towards alleviating poverty in our communities. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and families affected by this pressing issue.

  • Food bank open every Tuesday 10am
  • Volunteers needed
  • Contact info: Ms. Charlene Clarke
  • Telephone: 514.932.8731
  • Email: outreach@unionunitedchurchmtl.ca

A national organization advocating for policy changes, public education, and community-based initiatives to eradicate poverty and promote social justice.

Committed to providing healthy food, education, and support to vulnerable populations through community food centres across the country.

A research-based online resource center focusing on homelessness and poverty-related issues, providing valuable insights, data, and best practices to inform policy and community action.

By joining forces with these institutions and taking individual action, we can collectively work towards eliminating poverty and building a more equitable society. Together, we have the power to create lasting change and provide opportunities for all individuals to thrive.

Taking a Stand Against Poverty

When you donate to take action against poverty, you become an agent of change, empowering individuals and communities to break free from the chains of poverty. Your donation plays a crucial role in supporting initiatives that provide essential resources, create opportunities, and foster long-term solutions to address the root causes of poverty.

More causes
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Check out our legal representation initiatives.

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Fundraising for a Brighter Future

Check out our Fundraising initiatives.